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This is a great series of maps and I found the Sinister Secret ones very useful but I have to be critical of this one: I don't think these were made with the understanding that Dunwater's map uses a 10' scale instead of the 5' scale from SSoS, so everything looks implausibly enormous. Several beds, for example, are nearly 20 feet long!

Are there no floor tile images in the source file?

Great work, when I saw itch was having a Creator's Day I knew I had to donate right away to make sure you saw the most benefit. Please keep the maps coming!

love your job

thank you for your support! ;)

Beautiful Maps!  Will you be completing the entire Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign?  Running it for my 8 year old and his friends on Zoom during the pandemic so nice to have detailed map files I can share with them.

Thanks! So nice to hear about you experience with the maps! And yes, I want to release more maps, but sometimes personal life gets in the way :P


Another great work from my favorite creator. I literally postponed our session until this map come out.


Awesome!! Thank you very much for your support! I wish I could make these maps faster! Hehe

Oh, I forgot to mention this. Thank you for your effort to change the billing method! Every time I donate with Paypal got some issues but now is ALL GOOD!

awesome! PayPal was the only option I had. The moment Stripe was available I changed to it in the same day! Thanks for the feedback! :)


Awesome new map.  I love your work

Thanks! Glad to hear that! :D

Deleted 255 days ago
(1 edit)

Hi! These maps are under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, so unfortunately no...